The Neighbours

243 hardy souls in Unibond is correct but in a higher league Witton would have larger crowds, vics 400-500 would probably be 200-300 if they were in unibond - first season the 500 would turn up and stay if top of the league but if they were languishing at lower levels of unibond the the excuses would come out and crowds fall.

If Witton were in Conference we would be getting 400-500 as we started to get at top of unibond.

The long term is about building on strong foundations within your means, as you slowly gain status you slowly gain crowds - Witton has strong foundations whereas the scumbags do not - support witton and be patient, Witton will be playing at a higher level consistently within a couple of years and dont be surprised if it is a lot sooner

To WWWitton, how can we be playing at a much higher levelconsistantly soon if not sooner than a couple of seasons, what do you know we don’t? Unless half the teams in the leagues above us go bust it will take us at least 3 seasons to get into the Conference proper, two seasons even to make it to the Conference North.

Well I dont know anything that you dont but the the scum are not out of the woods yet, no ground, conf want them out and first reason to do so they will, not sorted with tax man yet, cant buy players yet, no money …so we could quite conceivably be playing at a higher level than them very soon and looking at their foundations compared to ours we could be maintaining a higher status than them for years to come.

Any news on the £1.3 million payment for the ground? Nothing in the local press for some time. Great pre season win at Rossendale by the Albs

They haven’t got tuppence hapenny to buy anything whatsoever, not even a packet of dry roasted nuts!!

Is that an informed answer Mauler or just wishfl thinking? If Rushe does not come up with the cash what happens then?

What annoys me so much is that Rushe can possibly raise £1.3M to buy the ground, but can’t raise the money to pay what the club owes, in particular us tax payers!!!

He should be made to pay us back first before he is allowed to put money into buying a ground.

You are right, unfortunately this requires conscience, business ethics and moral integrity, all foreign concepts to some people in football.

Looks though HMRC are taking a tougher stance on the likes of Chester & Northwich.

AS it is mine and your tax money they owe I want every penny. I have to pay in full, so why shouldn’t they?

Totally agree WHS. I can understand some sympathy when a club gets into a bit of a mess for the first time but this is not the first time.

The new regime has made no attempt to pay any bills and gone ahead getting more in debt as a deliberate plan to go into admin - therefore they should pay the lot or be liquidated end of and I would say that of any club that takes the p*** like they have.

Hopefully there will be a little “dig” at the neighbours in the Chron soon by Just William. Should get the season off with a bang.



Well said! Forget em

Sorry, you are right, we should concentrate on our club but the fact is their demise can only be good for us.

Yes all efforts promoting Witton but you have to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Dangerous to just ignore what is happening over water.

They are already taking great strides towards their next administration (without yet coming out of the current one), apparently they are starting the season with three goalkeepers.

I suppose when you only pay a quarter or half your debts every five years then why not!

To be honest three goalkeepers may be a clever move for them - they will be needing as many defenders and goalkeepers as they can get so why waste money on redundant strikers?

WWWitton wrote:

What part of focus on your own club do you not understand?

Northwich are conference north, witton are unibond south. Why waste time discussing them?!

As this section of the forum is ‘other teams’ as the title suggests it generates posts about other teams! We can delete this area of the forum if that is the desire of the majority or better still those that are not interested by other teams then are best not reading it.

Posts regarding Willenhall Town (221 views) and Farsley Celtic (314 views) are both recent additions to the forum. The long running post regarding V*** has received 6,033 which suggests that some people still find it interesting to study, chuckle, observe, laugh, muse over the fortunes of the ‘them across the canal’.

I don’t think anyone posting here is doing so to the detrimental effect of not focusing on our club. Having put around 160 hours of focus and a fair few hundred quid towards supporting the club over the past six weeks, I certainly can confirm that my posting is not detracting from my focus on Witton.

The debate does keep coming around though, so do we keep the thread or lock it from further posting, in the words of big brother ‘you decide’!