The Neighbours

I wonder whether the Tax man will accept 35% of my tax bill next month?

Where is Mr. Rushe? Where is his 1.3 million? Both appear to be missing. What happens next?

Mr Rushe confidently expects HMRC to accept his latest offer (Non League Paper Sunday)

It’s to be hoped the HMRC turn him down as if they don’t they will only be hearing from the next V*** Administrator in about 2 years from now. Based upon a 1.3m ground purchase and all this money they are making then perhaps they will ask them to pay everything off first (and that was a pig flying over the Marstons stadium of half complete)!

Good point Rabbit, the money they make from the FA Cup run should go to their creditors not into Mr. Rushe’s back pocket. Mind you, anyone who gets financially involved with Vics deserves all they get, which will be not much!!
But I ask again, where is Mr. Rushe and his supposed 1.3 million? Is Mr. Connett and his marina back in the picture?

The Marston’s Arena is still listed as ‘Available’ on the GVA Grimley website, not even ‘Under Offer’! Seems very strange, as Rushe has been saying the ground deal is ‘close’ for many months now with no discernible progress, but clearly no offer has been made.

Even if he does buy the land, all that would do is put him in the same position that Connett was, able to fleece the football club for whatever he wants (should it manage to come out of admin).

In my opinion they should have bitten the bullet a couple of years ago and restarted as a local club run by the fans. Anyway, we should forget about them and concentrate on building up our own club.

Looks like they may be making more money than expected judging by the comments on the FCUM forum. They reckon about 1500 taken off the gate for the game, plus possibly hundreds of adults admitted on Junior tickets even though they paid the full price! Creative accounting or what - allegedly!

More money coming their way, Sunday week.

More money coming whose way? Will Vics get it or Rushe or the Taxman and the creditors. Anyway, more money has come our way from a decent source, a true supporter. We may not get thousands but it is acquired honestly.

Not one word in the local press about the sale of the ground or the whereabouts of the 1.3 million and Mr. Rushe.

I hope that someone has been in touch with the Taxman just to point out that as soon as they agree to a reduced payment for the £500,00 they allegely owe they intend to purachase a ground for 1.3 million and they will get several thousand pounds currently being held by the FA until an agreement is reached, plus all the TV monies. Personally I think if the Taxman does agree we (the honest hardworking Taxpayers) should seek a 50% reduction in our own tax bills so we can pay off our mortgages earlier and use Northwich Victoria as an example of ‘you let them do it so why not all of us?’ Or we could sue the tax office in question for incompetence if they allow this farce to go ahead.

Its a disgrace, but they will get away with it again. I am more interested in how we move Witton forward.

I just wonder how many pence in the pound Charlton will be paid back for their bit of the gate receipts.

Or more likely they will get half of the 500 attendence!!!

It must be about time for the tax office to say enough is enough with this nonsense, and Chester City, Accrington Stanley, Hyde United Southend United Etc Etc isn’t it about 200million thats been written off from football clubs tax liabilities so far…

[b]As usual them across t/cut fall in a cess pit and will come out smelling of roses again.HMCR need to force them to sell the ground and assets,to pay of tax liability and creditors,and let them start in the same league that Knutsford,Barnton etc are in thats if they can find a ground to play on and start there new season with -30points.i know i can dream that is what should happen,but it would serve em right.

“Witton Till I Die”.I know i am i,m sure i am i,m Witton till i die.[/b]

A US Congressman adapted that old saying to read : “you can fool some of the people all of the time - and those are the ones you’ve got to concentrate on!”
Obviously Jim Rushe’s philosophy.

Sounds like the BNP party line!!

They wouldn’t be on the TV this Sunday If they hadn’t built up the debt.

did,nt know that itv had ressurected the 70,s show the comedians,for sunday viewing :slight_smile:

I see that Jim Rushe says that the Manager can have what’s left over from the prize and TV money to acquire players. As they owe around half a million to all and sundry just how much does he think will be left over? And if the Tax man accepts 35% despite all the cash they are about to recieve then I want a tax cut too!!