The Neighbours

It never really adds up with whats happening across the canal. I see Accrington Stanley coughed up a third of their debt to HRMC which I believe over £100,000 was paid so I would imagine Vics would have to cough up near to £150,000 in one payment to fend off further action. Either way one game against a Div 1 side is not enough to fund the debts Vics have accumulated. because we all know how fickle supporters are in this town , the following week and a couple of bad results gates will be down to the bare bones again.Either way this saga is so boring and been going on for years i think even Witton fans are bored and dont even take any glee out of what happens to them anymore. We are on the up and thats all that we care about.

I have to agree, they have been in the news mainly because they owe so much money. I would rather we carry on as we are, living within our limited means, than to go through the trauma of a few years ago when it looked like we would go under. Vics fans are probably sick of it too for despite the odd victory they are within an ace of going under at any time. I will not post anything on them again until such time as they go bust or we are in the same division.

Accrington Stanley owed £308,000 and asked for a futher week to pay the £308,000, surely they won’t be able to get away with paying £100,000…it just doesn’t make any sense at all? As for them across’t cut what a total nonsense there won’t be tuppence hapenny “left over” from the prize and TV money, WHAT A JOKE!!

Quote from Mr Rushe
“We can’t spend what we don’t have,” he said. (Never stopped you before Jim)

“Nor can we miss it. Of course we need to make the most of the opportunity this game has given us but you won’t now see Northwich paying out huge sums to sign new players. :laugh:

“Of course the extra money we make this week will help to pay off some of the club’s debt. Anything left over will be saved for a rainy day.” There shouldn’t be any left If you are really serious about wanting to pay off your debts :wink: :wink:

Nice to hear the anti witton songs on tv today :slight_smile: zigga zagger zigger zagga northwich vics!! wots all that about :blink: get your own songs ya muppets :lol:

Oh well,the Lizards won and good luck to them.
Our esteemed local rag will be in it’s element on Wednesday with’Future is green’ and all that merde . :wink: :wink: :wink:

them o,er the way have more jam than hartley,s.A win,then another home tie.Have only just stopped crying.well,at least the tax man will be rubbing his hands knowing that,vics will have to pay off any money from this game then hopefully they will get more revenue from them at the end of the month from that tie.

Witton Till I die

WHS must be choking on his tea after todays result and the Draw.

Having not been anywhere near that big green elephant over t’cut what a joke it is, did you see it, it’s not finished!! Pitch not fenced off is that allowed?? Just a wall at each end behind the goals!!! JOKE

P.S did you hear Mr Rushe, sounded like Ricky Hatton on drugs!

AS I promised Eli, “No Comment”

The commentators said that V*cs deserved the victory

Preece and the players deserved it because they played well
The British tax payers deserved it because they paid for the team
The vc supporters trust deserved it because they have paid for a fraction of the team
Some more realistic v**s fans deserved it because they are proper fans

N******** V***a Football Club did not deserve it because they only got into this position by spending over a million pounds of other peoples money.
There are a minority of v
s fans who do not deserve anything ever

marston mauler,when i went down to watch brother in law play for watford few years ago,there ground was exactley the same as there,s o,er the cut,no fencing down either wing,but walls behind either goal.So would think from that,it is allowed

The slime’s tactics were hoof it forward and repeat until end of game. It was a pity that Charlton only put 35% effort into the game. If they are second in League 1. Then League 1 must be a very poor league. On yesterdays performance I think Charlton would struggle in the Southern League.

Sour grapes ? Leave them alone they are paying the taxman off slowly - better than us having to do it !

WHS must be having nightmares by now - another home game on the TV - win that and they will probably get UTD !

And probably beat them :stuck_out_tongue:

Again Eli, “No Comment”!!

I am suprised on one has posted yet on the NLP report from Sunday that states the neighbours will be relagated from the BSN at the end of the season if they don’t pay all their creditors 100p in the £.

Look like despite escaping justice last year, they haven’t got away with it

No need for concern, they’ll get away with it, they always do!

They are sure to have some hard and fast fixed rule that everyone adheres to somehow miraculously overturned on a spurious technicality - of course all the time complaining that they are being victimised and have done nothing wrong that should ever warrant such harsh treatment.

It’s a reflection of the club that they send their administrator and insolvency lawyer into a football related meeting!

This one is set to continue longer than Coronation Street!

We all know they’ll get away with it… again.