The Neighbours

Doomed, they’re doomed this time :ohmy:

AS usual I make no comment on them trying to sell their highly paid players and the fact that their gates are nearly as bad as ours. I also make no comment on them having no chance of promotion, or the fact that they may be thrown out of the Conference. I make no predictions at all that this will be their final season in any meaningful sense, I will leave that to others. Come on the Albs!!

A shock me me that they still have full-time pro players on the books!! Surely unsustainable for them? Oh and I take it you’ll not be tekkin t’ missus to the Bongo Eddie valentines night ovver t’ cut?

THe only time I have been inside their ground was to watch the Mid Chesire Boys team in the Quarter Final of the All England Cup. I only went then because three of the lads were from Weaverham High School. As for eating there, I would “gag” on the food!!

what ever happens to them,over the cut if they still have a ground and a team at the start of the 2010/11 season surley they should be starting with a points deficit of -30points and be demoted to the lowest league possible.Chester City have had to start with that deduction this season.Whats good for one is good for them.Hope they get all thats coming to them,and worse.Come on Witton we are the better team in Northwich

“Witton Till I DIE”

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Northwich Victoria, having pleaded guilty to a breach of Football Conference Rule 11, have been made subject of the following decisions in respect of default in payments to football creditors.

In light of the fact of the Football Conference being mislead in respect of these payments the club has been fined £2,500 and warned as to its future conduct.

In addition the club has been made subject to a suspended fine and points deduction, and should it fail to settle all outstanding football creditor payments to the satisfaction of the Football Conference by the 31st March 2010, it will be fined an additional £7,500 and be deducted ten points. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

copied of the non-league web.

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v£cs plead guilty?, now thats gotta be a first. :woohoo:

We should be able to pick up the floodlights from over there for a bargain price shortly :wink:

It would seem that their chairman has fed them all a pack of lies and the gullable and bewildered lot have believed every word - Print this statement after each disaster that Vics have and I don’t think you’d go far wrong!

how many more warnings!! :angry:

a vics chairman misleading their fans? thats a first :

they will no doubt be rubbing there hands again,its just another slap on the wrist again.Ten points deducted last time and the time befor that,and poss ten points deduction again,along with a fine will it get paid in time?

“Witton Till I Die”

I did say I wouldn’t comment anymore on this subject but please remember they are losing money hand over fist again and it simply cannot go on forever.

The reptiles will once again wriggle out of their mess !!!

Not if someone “stamps” on them, and someone will eventually.

Some on their forum saying Farsley going bust is a blessing in disguise. We’ll remind them of that when they are in trouble…again. Selfish green b**tards.

remember v!cs are the v!ctims of their current mess, alledgedly it’s really the fault of the hmrc, the conference bigwigs and a conman

They have been booted out but don’t for one minute think that it was their fault…

The HMRC are to blame for expecting them to pay tax
MC is to blame because there were no financial problems before he took over
The refs are to blame because there is a conspiracy against them
The Conference are to blame for trying to clean up non league football and promote fair play
The rest of the world are to blame because everybody hates them
The Illuminati and New World Order One Governement are to blame
Draco-Reptilians from the star system Orion are to blame as the colour green signifies witchcraft, devilry and evil

And now it is all our fault!
From their site:

In the words of shaggy ’ It Wasn’t me!’

I have seen the moanings.
The reptiles will forever consider themselves blameless and it is everybody else’s fault.

Quality post WWWitton I think that just about covers it !! :laugh:

yeah graet post WWW,just about sums up v!cs. I’ve been reading there threads on the forum and they just seem to think the whole world is against them, they go on about how unfair it is that they have to pay 44p in the £ while other clubs pay less while not seeming to grasp the fact that it’s not the first time they’ve been in admin. There is someone on there forum stating that they have been put in the unibond prem although i’m not sure whether that is official or just wishful thinking.