The Neighbours

Don’t think they’ll know which league they’ll be in until the AGM. Although, Vauxhall find out if they’ll be staying in the CN tomorrow.

ALL Clubs in my opinion once they go out of business, and by definition no longer exist, should have to reform and start off at the lowest level, balls to logistics, and reputation, if FC United can start in North West Counties 2 then so should every other club. Telford, Boston, Halifax etc got away with only being demoted a couple of divisions. With scant regard for the people they owe money to.

It is tough on the supporters but in Northwich’s case we had it rammed down our throats for a month, what a great thing for the town their F.A.Cup run was - well we can all spend money we haven’t got in the pursuit of a dream ESPECIALLY if you don’t have to pay it back.

Jim Rushe is no better than Conman, just a little bit luckier - Would love someone to ask the question - without the Cup money just exactly how was he going to pay back the people he owes!

Well at least the latest saga should ensure The Guardian are able to keep V1x on the back page (AGAIN) through the close season.

V1cs - short for Victims.

The shit taking the Conference to the European Court? I’ve heard everything now…

v!cs been placed in the northern premier according to this link

you will need to copy and paste the link otherwise you will go to the home page :stuck_out_tongue:

I cannot fathom out for a moment how they can have been admitted to the Northern Prem, what the heck is going on!

Also No place for the re-formed Chester FC which will be a blow to them.
They had high hopes of getting in the Evostik South.

Not sure how Vics can complain?

[i]Salisbury City have been told they cannot play in the Football Conference next season.

League rules state that any club which enters administration during the course of a season must pay all creditors in full by the second Saturday in May.

The Whites have failed to do this and are expected to appeal against the decision, which will leave them in the Southern Premier League at best.

Relegated Forest Green will be reprieved if City are demoted.

Salisbury finished 12th this season after having 10 points deducted.

Forest Green manager Dave Hockaday declined to comment on the announcement to BBC Radio Gloucestershire as it has not yet been ratified by the Football Association. [/i]

VICS seem to operate under different rules than everyone else though as you well know Robbo. I’m with you and everyone else on this because its not the first time Northwich have been in financial difficulties having been in Admin before.I think Mr Rushe has downright cheek suggesting he’s going to appeal through every court in Europe when quite clearly Payment in full by the 2nd Saturday in May is the rule all clubs signed up to and agreed to. They Turfed out Farsley for Finacial issues so why not Vics whose record is appaling in this area. Meanwhile clubs like us towing the line financially suffer because we refuse to go over our budget and in fact are known to reduce it. I just hope the Conference and FA are firm with them and Vics end up in the Evo Stik league and I hope glued in there for years to come.

just had my weekly read of the v!ctims board and amongst this weeks list of people/organisations they can blame are
messrs Clapham & Horsley the Southport & Fgr Mafia,
the conference authorities for forcing them to sell the drivil field
& even poor old sir trevor brooking gets a mention.
Next they’ll be blaming fictional characters like emily or harold bishop for their recent hardship…before moving onto wellhard, willie & bouncer :stuck_out_tongue:

Think The Sun should get part of the blame.

Also the Lib Dems for not giving the Green Party their backing.

And Maggie - yep blame Thatcher!

Mohammed Al Fayed - could have bought V1x but instead the selfish so and so went and bought lil old Fulham - knew it would never pay off.

Victims - It Wasn’t Me

Money came in but they caught us red-handed
We just kept borrowing more
Picture this, we kept going bust, but we always went back for more

We had tried to keep it all
From the bank and HMRC
Why should they believe me
When I told them it wasn’t me

We never paid our bills, (It wasn’t me)
Or the HMRC, (It wasn’t me)
We never paid our players, (It wasn’t me)
Broke appendix rule E, (It wasn’t me)

Oh dear there goes Jonny :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

And Ryan Broadhead is coming back to The Albion!

This was posted on Alty site haha

I think all the supporters know what a deep mess they are in. This thrashing around is just a measure of how desperate they are to see the club survive because there has to be a real doubt that the club could not survive the reduced income that comes with playing in a lower league.

The question I would ask their supporters is whether the time, energy and money spent tryng to salvage the wreckage that is the current club, would be better directed into a new club. If they do reach the point where the current club collapses, it may be too late to resurrect a team in another league for the next season.

The question of whether they deserve to be in this position is immaterial. They have to deal with where they are now and move forward. I think they have exhausted the sympathies of the Conference and FA and going to litigation isn’t going to help their cause.

The club should look to gain its self respect by doing the right thing for once. Take the bad medicine and move on.

They delighted in the “wheres your money gone” taunts when we had p*ssed all that money, so limited sympathy! They should unite thier supporters groups together, they could be needed a la Chester fans united!

**** em, frankly they deserve what they get now.

They have continually abused the rule book and made claims that the whole world is against them and they are being single out for punishment. Currently their stance seems to be they won’t agree to a CVA unless they are kept in the conference north, so in other words we do have the ability to pay some of the money back but we’re not going to if you punish us further! How about if they had started to pay the money back and made this their priority, perhaps they would have been looked on more favorably.

We need to set our stall out with strong and decent plans that will make us the biggest club in the town, there is no recent why this can’t be achieved with a lot of hard work and effort over the next few years.

It is obvious that Vics will simply cease to exist if they are relegated to the Evo stick league because there is no way they can fund their running costs in that league. We should beware buying their ex ground as the running costs would eventually ruin us too. Stay where we are and work our way out of the league we are in is our best bet unless the speculators come up with a better deal.

Why would the running costs of that ground be any more than the running costs of WP?

I’m not sure that it would cost any more, it is a newer build and therefore the ground itself has more modern facilities. They always struggle with their pitch (partly due to the height and position of the stands).

The longer it remains on the market the cheaper it would be to buy, although clearly the bill for red paint would be massive.