The Neighbours

Here’s the brochure if anyone fancies buying it;

I can see it now all nicely repainted in red, the NEW Wincham Park - the Main Stelfox stand, The Brian Pritchard terrace, A couple of small covering behind the goals ( maybe moved from Wincham park )eg finish it off ? If it it works financially I would do it ! If the plan to move somewhere else and build a new ground was to cost say 2.5 million and we end up with 500k in the bank ? then if alternatively we bought and finished off the Marston Arena to our spec (say a cost of 1.5 Million )I would expect to share the saving with the developer and maybe end up with 1 million in the bank and the added potential of rental from the scum ? Im sorry for all the sentimental arguments and I do have some problems with it myself, it just adds up and on balance I would go for it, this would be our chance to put us where we should rightly be as the number 1 club in the town any other option im afraid is likely to see us surviving again but not prospering, dont get me wrong either I dont want us chasing the rainbow and blowing our money as the scum do, I would invest it set a budget including any rental and live within it, to be honest I would be quite happy watching us get up to conference north and be a strong club at that level I have no ambition for football league, if there is a chance of this surely we must at least explore it, Mark would not be doing his job well IMO if he didnt at least give it some air.

I agree completely CJ. If the finances add up then I believe this would be a good move. There will never be a bigger and better stadium built in this town, we would only build something smaller for our own use, plus with an entirely voluntary staff of the club I think it would be a massive stretch for us to do a ‘new build’. I think there is scope to make money on that site with a well run social club facility, match day hospitality and not mention the holy grail of artificial pitches! If you owned the thing outright then in truth you don’t have to generate huge revenue streams as you are not repaying any mortgage/rent, etc. Your earnings are basically covering upkeep. Your gate receipts could/should finance the majority of football costs.

If our land is £2m and this can be bought for £1m then then in simple terms it makes sense, we could put money in the bank and repay any current debt either immediately or over a short term.

Sounds wonderful, but it is miles too big for a club like ours, the crowd would virtually disappear in this cavernous ground. It would still have the same problem it has now, who goes out for a night on an industrial estate? Still, I agree the idea has to be considered but if we plan to move why are we spending £11,000 on new floodlights? If we are going, let’s go NOW and save that cash, we could rent the ground until the deal is done.

Not the “NEW WINCHAM PARK” far better to call it something like “Vale Royal Stadium” as it may interest potential sponsors. (I jibbed at suggesting “The Northwich Stadium”!!!)

WHS wrote:

Any move could be months or years away, whereas the floodlights don’t work now! We have to get these fixed otherwise we can’t play any evening games until they are done. Plus before any move we need to sell Wincham Park and that is wrapped up with planning consent and negotiating a deal. We have no choice but to have the work done on the floodlights.

We don’t need to sell the ground first, we just rent Marston Stadium for any night fixtures until we do sell it. But then again I don’t know all the facts so I am quite happy to leave all decisions to the Board who do and will, I am sure, make the right decision for the Club.

Freehold. There is a service agreement for 25 years to Northwich
Victoria Football Club. Copies of this agreement will be available to
seriously interested parties.

Problem there if they still exist? That stadium is far far too big for us it would be like a millstone round our necks!

How can it be a millstone ? we could have 1 million in the bank and 25 years of rental ? I Agree its too big for now but when we become the bigger team it can cope with our growth and we can improve it, the key really is that we could stop worrying about raising income from a club bar that never works in truth, nobody is yet sure of the numbers ! but it has to be looked at is my point.

[quote]Freehold. There is a service agreement for 25 years to Northwich
Victoria Football Club. Copies of this agreement will be available to
seriously interested parties.[/quote]

Which Northwich Victoria Football Club? NVFC2010, 2009,2008,???

What does the agreement say about what can be charged? Would we have to make it available for a fixed price or can we say, yes it is available for NVFC for 40k a week?

All these things need consideration but even if not for the long term this could be an opportunity.

It’s just given me so much pleasure to see the estate agents blurb for that ground. Northwich Shit. Up for sale. Brilliant. Well obviously sorry for the genuine fans, could have been any club blah blah blah blah. Bollocks to em.

I agree.

Personally I hope they fold before the season starts then the real Vics fans can reform the club, start again in the North West Counties and play at Barnton or Lostock. Witton? we will just go on paying our dues and improving our lot when we can, how boring!! We should mortgage ourselves up to the hilt, play in the Conference, play league teams in the cup, go bust and moan we are being victimised. Oh sorry.that’s already been done by another local club!!

i have it on good authority, that uncle jim from the
promised land has raised between 20% and 90%, of the 50% deposit
needed to put 65% down payment on the said ground.
80% certain of my info, i think.

anyway the ground is contaminated now, good for ####-###.

Let’s get the Geiger counter out Tonee. :laugh:

I have said elsewhere on here, why are we okay on having an ex Vics Manager, but totally against having an EX Vics ground?

Why not?

I of course do not know all the facts or the actual financial position, but it does seem to me if we can get the Marston Stadium for one million pounds and get two and a half million for our own ground it must be worth looking at even though the Marston Arena is rather too big for the gates we get. Perhaps the ground could be reduced in size in some way. The local council had agreed in principle to giving Vics money to put in an all weather pitch and I understand there is more land available for other uses, tennis courts, bowling green etc. With several hundred houses going up locally perhaps it is not such a crazy idea, in fact it maybe our best option. Hopefully we could get rid of the sitting tenants first!!

Yeah,get scum’s ground but will we attract supporters? Feelings run high between two clubs so we may loose some fans.Managers and players are different.just change their track suit and they belong to different club [Rooney,Neville].I know one or two V**s fans who won’t shop at Sainsbury’s for the same reason.
Anyway,we should be moving nearer to town where as Necropolis is somewhat further away.

Question is, can we afford to move nearer the town. And with a new estate planned for Wincham is Northwich moving nearer to us? In the end money is ALL that matters, without it we go nowhere ground wise or league wise.