Witton Supporters v V*cs Supporters

It’s ok Ched, I already knew you weren’t coming tonight.

However, as we get closer to the game it is imperative that people attend as many of these get-togethers as possible.

We need to whittle the squad down from 20+ to 16 on the day. Unfortunately alot of this will depend on who can and can’t make practices etc.

might as well count me out then :o

OK, cheers.

As I’m sure Robbo will have told some of you, we will potentially be training on the pitches behind WP on Sunday. More information will be provided after tonights pitch inspection!!

i would like to wish yous all the best in your game against vics supportters there are very good side there forth in are league , just watch out for the left winger and ther number 9 to ever good players , i am unbale to make it to come and watch you as we have trining the same day as we have to prepare for a league game against chester fans on the 6th jan

gud luck daz

Thanks to everyone who made the effort to come down to training last night. It was cold, and we did alot of running, but come the 30th it should be well worth while!!

I have managed to get 1 extra squad place, so we are now up to a match squad of 17.

Just to keep everybody updated…

I’ve been to Winsford today to finalise all of the plans, they are treating it just like a normal match day so it should be great!

More will be announced about the team meal on Friday 28th in the next couple of days.

And finally, after speaking to the Manager of the V*cs Supporters team last night, they are expecting a big big turn out so lets make sure as many Wittoners turn up as possible!

We will be training on Sunday afternoon behind Witton.

We have said 1.30pm start, but we should be there from 1pm if anyone can make it down earlier - if you can’t make it down till half past then that is fine.

We will be going through as much as we can, and will also be having a decent kick-a-bout amongst ourselves.

Hope to see as many down there as possible.

Latest update is that myself and Greg have managed to secure matched fundraising from Barclays for any money raised for St Lukes.

This obviously means that we will now be able to raise twice as much money for charity, which is excellent.

Superb effort lads.

Well done Robbo. Great minds think alike.I was just thinking only yesterday how I could kind of get involved in this somehow in a limited way so that I could then approach Barclays who also employ me to get them to sponser on the £ for £ scheme. Its just typical of you as your much younger and sharper than me that you got there quicker. But well done mate and the cause is very worthy. Will try and ensure I make it for the game and stick a tenner in the bucket!!

" quicker and sharper " Mona u have obviously not seen him play football :wink:

How about getting Barclays to sponsor a game then or a big advert for the televised game ?

Stick to the thread Eli, that should be under ‘Commercial Opportunities’. ::slight_smile:

Well done Robbo. Great organising all round. We shall be there cheering you on and adding to the collection bucket.

I heard last night that Vics’ supporters are fielding a first team player on the 30th.I can not confirm it just only what I wal told.
If so that goes against the spirit of this game which is supporters-v-supporters.
My apologies if this is untrue.

V, thanks for the info.

After our last meeting regarding the game, both teams agreed that no ‘ringers’ were allowed to play. Lets hope they stick by their word, we certainly have

You got that the wrong way round!
Vics first team are fielding a supporters player on Saturday!

I’m sure it will just be a rumour.

it is indeed a rumour! have heard that the vics supporters are actually better than the real vics team! And Daz from runcorn is wrong, the number 9 is not very good in fact is old and slow and overweight! (i should know)

You always were ! :wink: