Witton Supporters v V*cs Supporters

Apparently the trophy comes with green and white ribbons ? we will see, just hope the mouth on the radio is playing ;D[u][/u]

Now now Grazzer! And people say I’M aggressive ;D

i see vics are trying to wound yous lot up there are very good in doing that , just lets hope you got one over them

Let’s just keep as wind-ups and banter between the fans - this should be a good game of football and played in a good spirit between both sets of fans. That fact we support Witton and they support Northwich is the only difference, as this is a charity game and in front of a crowd everyone needs to represent themselves and their clubs at th highest possible level. The ‘mouth on the radio’ commenting on the green and white ribbons is actually one of the nicest blokes you could ever hope to meet (even though he was misguided at youth and chose the wrong club)!!!

Im sure he is . . it just puts a bit more fire in the belly. . .nothing stupid though, I,m not that kind of guy . . I’ll let my football do the talking from now on ;D

Thanks to everyone who made it down to training today - a turn-out of 16 was excellent.

Looking forward to all getting out on Friday night now.


The team meal has been arranged for this Friday, 28th December at 7pm. We will be eating at the Bengal Dynasty restaurant (which is behind the Black Greyhound pub in Wincham). It would be great to get as many people there as possible, 10 of the team confirmed that they could make it yesterday. We also hope to have a special guest joining us, and Cheshire FM will be calling us when they do a preview of the match on the phone in!

The names we have are as follows. If anyone is not on here that can make it please post, also if anything changes and you can’t make it please let us know;

Drew (+ Keith)
Timmy 2 Words

Available ;D

For those lucky enough to be off work today ( :cry: ) there is a light training session behind Witton at 1.30pm today.

hi guys

i thought just let you know the pitch is not in it best shape it is a total mess and i sent robbo pic yeasterday when i was at winsford , the pitch look like a farmers field

cheer daz

We had the report 1st hand behind the goals yesterday daz - wellies at the ready is it?

Thanks to those who turned up yesterday, a valuable last training session before the game. Gave us a good indication of how heavy the pitch is going to be (Winsford are at home tomorrow too!).

Bring on the curry!

At the end of the day, we never expected the pitch to be Wembley standard did we. We are very grateful to Winsford for allowing us to use the Barton Stadium, and i’m sure the pitch will be more than sufficient for our particular style of play… ;D

If the ball hits the deck we’re not playing to our tactics…!

Thanks to everyone who came out last night, it was another excellent turn-out. Highlights included the interview with Cheshire FM whilst eating popadoms, aswell as a ‘good luck’ phone call with Mike Moseley.

We were then joined by Nige Deeley, who presented the squad with Witton ties. He also gave us a FA Aproved matchball, and some money for the kitty.

Cheers Nige!

That’s all our preperation finished now, so it’s all systems go for tomorrow. Squad to meet between 10 - 10.30am tomorrow in the Penny Black for Tea & Toast. We have a mini-bus to Wisnford at 11.15 for an 11.30am arrival. Quick walk around the pitch, and then warm-up and team-talk.

Kick off is 1pm.

Would be excellent to see as many Witton fans there as possible. By all account there is to be a decent turn-out expected from the other side of the canal, so any support for our team will be much appreciated. As i’ve said, all of our preperation is complete and we will be 100% committed tomorrow. Like the first team boys on a Saturday though, we also will need as much support as possible to lift us.

And remember - it’s all for charity.

I’m sure there will be a few of us there, it’s all for a good cause and a chance to get one over on the old enemy, so let’s get ourselves there in numbers.

Great night last night . . . .just hope no-one was stood down wind of Stu today, massive praise to the guys who have organised the game,

3 lions on the chest? . . . .What about the Witton Crest?

anyone know the result ???

Final score 7-0 to Vs. Great game and great performance from the Witton lads. Never gave up and battled through to the end. The pitch and fitness levels of the Vs players told in the end. £567 raised on the day, which Barclays bank will match, so, over £1,000 for St Lukes. Well done to the organisers and all concerned, a thoroughly enjoyable day.