Witton v Worksop

all the best in the play offs lads i know there was a bit of banter but even i couldnt of seen this coming

Correct , but I think they know whats happened today , have had calls from people in the club , the players are up for play offs , they are fuming about toay and dont nee the cliche comments of keep your chin up etc . Cmon supporters noise and stick to the opposition unnerve them . treat is as a rehearsal for next season because thats when support will have to be very partizan lets oose this nice guy image

think we need to play better in the play offs than we did today,congrats to fleetwood.Am sure i must be the jinx when i come up to watch a game we seem to have a bad game.Hopefully we will go up through the play offs.All in all we,ve had a good season


Just Signed up to say best of luck in the play offs lads, to be top for so long you lot deserve to go up, hope the results go your way, cya next year :wink:


Kennedy; Brown J., Barras (Lloyd h/t), Pritchard, Brownhill; Peers (Rapley 70), Brown A. (Thornley R. 55), MacPherson, Brodie; Warlow & Evans.

Any lingering aspirations that Witton had of carrying off the league title were severely dented in only the 2nd minute when former striker Kevin Sanasay was afforded the freedom of Wincham Park to smash the ball ironically past the former Tigers keeper Jon Kennedy.

At the other end, following a delightful interchange between Mark Peers and Dave MacPherson, Town’s custodian Steve Hernandez probably produced the save of the season with a one handed effort that denied Tony Evans - afforded a rare starting opportunity - a point-blank range equaliser in the 11th minute as the home team looked to be on course to get back in the game. Four minutes later though the stuffing was well and truly knocked out of the long-time league leaders when Tigers’ skipper Paul Stansfield launched a long ball upfield that evaded his opposite captain Tony Barras before falling nicely into the path of Steve Akers on the left flank. With no other defenders back, after yet another forward sortie, Akers ran on to clinically fire past Kennedy.

Albion had barely failed to raise another meaningful attack when on the 32nd minute all three points were secured for the very impressive Worksop outfit as Paul Stansfield got between defenders legs to score low-down from close range following Ryan Ludlam’s cross from the right flank.

Albion manager Jim Vince only allowed his charges a five minute interval break but whenever the home side looked to be at least possibly getting on the score-sheet great saves by Hernandez denied Liam Brownhill, Steve Brodie and Dave MacPherson in particularly. The highly impressive 18 year old, even when beaten, had his fellow defenders to thank for twice clearing the ball off the line.

Witton now face the task of shrugging this under par performance off and setting about the task of qualifying via the play-offs, starting with their home match against Buxton, a team they’ve beaten twice this season, on Tuesday evening.

As one of the ‘barmy idiots’ from Cambridge United who came to your match yesterday I just wanted to wish you good luck in the playoffs. You made us very welcome & it was a real plasure to come to such a fine club. Your ground is better than at least 2 conference clubs (step forward Farsley & Histon) so you definitely have the facilites to go on to higher leagues. We had a great time with you all, shame that with 600 fans over the canal we couldn’t persuede more to join us.
Two of us on the terrace actually work for the Cambridge United (I’m the club photographer) so we don’t get much chance to scream & shout during games (!) so we particularly enjoyed the banter, especially the stuff we gave the keeper & the 11 who looked like the bloke from the Lynx advert he sweated so much!
Definitely should have had a pen in the 1st half, how come that idiot ref managed to say it was outside te area beats me, but then the refs in the conference are no better! Your no 3 looked superb & we couldn’t understand why you took the 7 off, but strangely taking off your best player seemed to improve your play…
Once again good luck to you all in the future, a number of United fans will always look out for your results - hopefully from the football league!

To be honest i think that TWSfooty has a point and well done Cambridge on beating vics 2-0:blush:

We could have a go at the players, we could try and do a post mortem on the game, we can scream and shout and kick the cat but nothing is going to change the events of yesterday. If you don’t think a player has played well, speak to him in the club afterwards rather than have a go on here, they’re all accessible! You gain nothing from negativity. Jim, Nige, and the majority of the players were absolutely gutted yesterday, I just hope that they can get up for Tuesday. Lets continue to support and leave the management to do their job.

Can’t agree with TSWfooty i’m sorry, especially not when you read a post from a Cambridge fan praising our Club for making them feel so welcome!!!

  1. Yesterday is history. We have two games to secure promotion and had we have been offered this last August I for one would have taken it.

  2. We can’t change yesterday’s performance or any before it. We CAN change Tuesday’s. If we move the ball quickly and find space when we have the ball then no one can live with us going forward. When the opposition have the ball we need to do the opposite, we need to defend as a team and concentrate on giving them no space to play. Footballing basics are all that is required, the rest is about mental attitude and belief. Win as a team, lose as a team, picking out individual poor performance achieves nothing.

  3. Well done the Fleetwood Town, their run won it for them. I expected them to drop points in their 3 away games in hand and they didn’t. They have been physically strong and focused. I still believe we are the better footballing team but their strength has to be credited. A brilliant run in.

  4. The only way we need to make Wincham Park ‘intimidating’ is through our support of our team. There will be a great crowd on Tuesday and we need to out-sing the opposition. If we want a winning mentality off the pitch we need a winning mentality off it. We should always want to be a ‘friendly’ club yet when the whistle goes only one thing matters, we win the game!

  5. Thanks to the Cambridge fans that came to the game yesterday, they were an absolute credit to your football club. Good group of lads who at times (and understandable given being 3 goals down) sang more than the home crowd! They were right behind Witton, extremely well behaved and enjoyed the banter. All the best for the play-offs, these are the kind of supporters that deserve to win things.

  6. Spare a thought for the supporters at Leek, where would you prefer to be, two games to win promotion or relegated to Unibond 1.

This is not a time to be negative, we need 100% for every player and every fan on Tuesday. If we go into this with a nervous approach and lack of belief then we will get what we deserve. If we go into it believing we will win then we will win it! Jim and Nige can sit down at the end of the season and look at both themselves and the squad to determine how we move forward, meanwhile the whole club as had a superb season.

Time to prove we are good enough!

I think it is interesting that you make your second point Rabbit. It is basic tactics that you are talking about, so why do you need to make the point? Is it because through the season you have also noticed that the team do not always do the basics well and that there are some players on the pitch who have not taken responsibility when the team is defending. We have been the best attacking side in the league, but not necessarily best at defending and I am not talking about the back four. We must defend better as a unit and use our attacking opptions more successfully. [color=#FF0000]We will do it! [/color]

I am sick of reading on here about how the fans need to get behind the team and we will win the league. The team are getting beat because they have not been good enough in certain games. The fans as usual have got right behind the team this season and they have let us down. The players need to stand up and be counted when it matters most. It is NOT the fans fault when we get beat so i dont see why we should take responsibility. This team needs to show some bottle and prove they are good enough to go up like Fleetwood have done.

Dont forget we sacraficed all the cups to win the league to say you would have taken this position back in August is a cop out. We were top of the league because we deserved to be and we should have won the league with the team we have got.
Something has gone badly wrong its time you fans on here woke up and smelt the coffee and stop sucking up to Jim and “the boys”.

I hope Jim and the team prove me wrong and win the league but i cant see it and neither can a lot of other witton fans. As i said in a previous post this is not being negative it is being honest. As i am not bothered what league we are in next season as i will watch them whatever but lets just have a bit of honesty on here and not keep blaming the fans for everything that goes wrong.

If the manager and team are as good as you lot say they are we will get promoted
and you can say i told you so.

3 posts?

You are allowed to post when we win games too you know.

Firstly - Hats off to Fleetwood. The best team does win the league and they have. A good side with a good manager and at the final count they are top of the pile. A big “Well done” to them and good luck next year. If they can tap into the 2600 who turned up yesterday on a regular basis they will go far, no doubt about it.

As for us - Well we have to take it on the chin, get out there and compete. We will win nothing moaning and groaning. Over the past season we have performed excellently. The players know yesterday wasn’t good enough and they know what they need to do.

If we don’t win - well the fact is we will be back where were now - next year and we try again - simple as that.

But its not over yet. We have another chance and hopefully, this time we will take it.

Well whatever happens from here on in, I would just like to thank the team and all the back room staff for what they have given me this year. The football I have watched has been mind blowing at times.

This year has been brilliant, a couple of things could have gone our way, but hey thats life.

2 years running we have been there or there abouts, it will happen soon.

Come on Witton, keep beliving, keep the faith and keep supporting.

joanna wrote:

I’m glad you’re not motivating the side on Tuesday night - we may as well not bother turning up!!!

It’s not a case of waking up and smelling the coffee, our fans are honest enough to be able to see where some of our weaknesses lie. Nor is it about sucking up to Jim, the quality of football we have played has been over and above that of any side at this level, the results have proved that. Jim is the first to admit that the priority is winning promotion, but he has gone about it in a ‘footballing’ manner which is even braver. He could have bought half a dozen big bruising players and maybe of gained promotion that way, but it would have been a fraction as entertaining and rewarding.

I think Jim has made one or two wrong decisions during the season, but back him 100% as the best manager for this club. Jim will want to go up this year to prove to himself and everyone the quality of the side. To suggest anything else would suggest he is not bothered and you can see from yesterday this could not be less true. If we appoint a manager then we let him do the job his way!

If you’re not bothered what league we are in then why post at all, other than to demotivate everyone in the process. No one is fooling themselves here, however we have two games now to win promotion and we should be focused on our quality and ability to do it, not taking a pop at the management and the fans. Who is blaming the fans??? The fans have been terrific this year and need to step it up one more level this coming week (that’s what we are asking the players to do and the fans will play a part in this). I think yesterday the players and fans had already almost settled for the play-offs mentally. Well now we are in them!

This is a period when negativity, anxiety and fear should not be our main motivation - confidence, positivity, courage and conviction are what is required. Moan as much as you want this time next week but until then let’s drive this team forward to promotion.

Well said Rabbit - there is absolutely no reason why we can’t win these play offs.

We can still do this!!

We can Knutsfordian and we can do it in style!

No excuses, no negatives, the team fighting for each other and the fans behind them. Failure should even be a consideration, if we doubt in our ability to do this then that crack will be exposed.

When Calzaghe stepped into the ring against pound for pound one of the best fighters in the world, he didn’t think I might beat him but there again I might not. He went in knowing he could win. He got knocked down in the first round and still got up to win after 12 rounds.

So we were put on the deck and have to see this out the full distance, that means next Saturday afternoon.

I want my £9 back, surely that was a training match or a friendly that I watched on Saturday!
We have to improve for Tuesday or we can forget Saturday.