Witton v Worksop

The Wincham Rabbit wrote

I am glad you’re not motivating the side on Tuesday night as we may as well not bother turning up.

Do you mean like the team did not bother turning up against Fleetwood or North Ferriby till the last 10 minutes or yesterday.

Oh My God if my opinon is so wrong why would it demotivate people they would just take no notice. I post on here cos i have a right to my opinion just like you.

Next you will be saying its my fault if we dont win the league.

Anyway this was the response i expected from you so i wasn’t surprised when i read it.

Like i said i hope the team do prove me wrong, we shall see.

Still gutted by the way :frowning:

Fantastic of Rob Lloyd to come on and give us an honest view from the players side of things - speaks volumes for the lad. I think he would be the first to admit he has not been at his best of late ( probably to do with an injury ) but he and the rest of the team have given their best in every game this season and have performed even better than last season. Let us get behind them as one on Tuesday and what will be will be. It is easy to criticise ( I have perfected an art in it ) but slagging off the team,especially when you have never even played the game is bang out of order. We are all entitled to an opinion on here and that’s how it should be but as said before let us wait until the end of season before venting our thoughts.

It’s okay Joanna, it seems the messages coming from the team after yesterday imply they have recognised that they’ve played awfully when it mattered (Fleetwood, North Ferriby, yesterday), and have vowed to do better next time.

So, not to worry, it’s all sorted. Surely you’re reassured by this attitude, as I myself am. There’ll be no problem on Tuesday and Saturday. They know that they just have to “give everything” (at least 110%, and possibly more) and win just TWO games to go up. Don’t respond with, “Err, hang on, haven’t we been here before, about two weeks ago?”, because that’s just negative. In fact the rumour that Witton just had to beat Ferriby and then Worksop in the last two games of the season to win the league was probably just that - pure rumour and speculation.

Is it permissable to believe that the team has played some fantastic football, been way better than all the other teams for the vast majority of this season, but ALSO believe that the mental state of the team when the pressure’s on is unbelievably fragile, and way below par for this standard of football?

Is it possible to believe both, or do we have to go one way or the other?

And if someone points out the obvious truism that the players’ attitude in some recent games has been awful, does the very fact that it appears in this forum make the players’ mental state even more unstable? And if that’s the case, does it prove the point?

If they show a lot of commitment in the next two (or possibly one) games, everybody will be happy. Simple as that. We know they have the skill, but do they have the mind and the willpower? The answer at the moment is an emphatic “No”, but maybe they can pleasantly surprise us on Tuesday.

Billywho - perhaps u could do the pre-match talk to the team - and let’s see what happens ?

Joanna, I am not having a go at you, we all passionately want the same thing and the last couple of weeks have been a disappointment for everyone.

All I would say is just have a read at what you had written. You started by saying we should wake up and smell the coffee, stop sucking up to Jim, stated you didn’t think we would win the league and that you were not bothered which league we play in! None of the above is the thoughts of the majority and I believe this is a time when we need to concentrate on being focused and positive rather than throwing the towel in. Yes we were lousy yesterday, yes we should not be in this position and should we fail to go up then people criticise, moan and do whatever else they want. Meanwhile we have two games to put this back on track and how satisfying it would be to do that. No one has a divine right to promotion but I believe over the last two seasons we have more than demonstrated our quality.

I don’t want to argue with you but let’s get 100% behind the lads and not allow anything but positive energy over the next 7 days. We can be miserable all summer should the right outcome not happen but at the moment that is not even something to consider. We are going up!

On the bright side, you dont get a trophy for wiining the league, you do for winning the playoffs. Its always nice to win a trophy:lol:

interesting but im sure we got 1 yesterday:)

I stand corrected.

Think it’s still the same trophy we won when the NPL Prem was step 2, but i’m not 100% cert.

you mean this one?

Yeah that’s the one.

Yesterday was bloody awful on the pitch, some great positives off it, Davenham and Witton U11s support was superb, and them giving the rentboys fans stick was awesome!

The Cambridge fans were great and it will be non-leagues loss if they go back up, Wish them luck though!

We can’t do anything about yesterdays result therefore we have to move on and bounce back TWICE!!!

Billywho I would love to hear from you when we win games, it would make your posts so much more credible!

Well done to Fleetwood - For us both to lose just 5 (FIVE) games in a season is incredible!

Lets hear you on Tuesday, and don’t leave it til the day after on your keyboards to make some noise - We need everyone behind the goal and at the side to give one massive last effort!

Penny Black from 5.30 for vocal lubrication!

I woke up this morning feeling a lot more positive - imagine if at the start of the season we were told “all you have to do is beat Buxton and Gateshead (probably) at home and you will be promoted” I think we would all have taken that!!!

Greenie wrote:

I would!

I see two great performances and two solid wins this week. There is too much doubt and anxiety at the moment and not enough determination and belief. WE ARE THE BEST FOOTBALLING SIDE IN THIS LEAGUE!

Yes we are. Last year we approached the playoffs with a sense of injustice due to losing out on goal difference, Moseley’s goal-line clearance and Frickleys antics in that last game. Not so this year. We (players included) have no right to feel sorry for ourselves as we got ourselves in this situation, now it’s up to everyone to get us out.

Let’s not worry about being the best FOOTBALLING side for the next 2 matches, let’s just make sure we are the best team.

Great shot of Fleetwood with the trophy - really should of been us :frowning:
If anything can motivate the players then hopefully it is that photo - as regardless of what has happened over the last few weeks, winning on Saturday would make it all worthwhile.

Eligorton wrote - ‘Fantastic of Rob Lloyd to come on and give us an honest view from the players side of things’ - Can’t find this post by Rob Lloyd - can anyone tell me where it is?

Lots of different opinions on here , but thats what makes the game, As for my posts of creating an intinmidating atmospere, It can be Friendly ofcourse,but not for 90 mins , be one eyed and appeal for every decision remember Im not saying go and kick the S£"t out of rival supporters. Anyone whos been to the likes of Macc/Alty or recall the first season in the conference will know exactly what Im on about. The vocal support at home is a little quiet sometimes and thers a good 150+ behind the goals,more likely more than that at big games.
You will see what I mean next season because we are going up

TWSfooty wrote:

Nay,nay and thrice nay.

I would argue that one of the reasons the home gate has gone up so much this season is precisely because Wincham Park IS such a friendly place. I came along initially because of the offer of a free child season tickets that was sent to all Mid Cheshire Junior football clubs. Cuddington JFC have attended a few matches en block and all those I spoke to afterwards said that the atmosphere would encourage them to return.

If we adopted this idea I’d suggest we would loose people on the gate and gain a reputation currently (enjoyed?) by the likes of Frickley…is that we what,cos that’s what’ll happen?

I can se RS65 point , but Ive not just made these observations up. You can still have a “friendly” club…but to be honest it would proberbly get more Partizan the more numbers increased. The fact remains there is no fear of teams coming to Witton esp on big match days. Ive seen it myself, v Gateshead was like an away game , and the players felt it esp the first half. To be honest Ive not been to Frickley , but Ive been to Macc, with gates of 400 - 2500 or more NPL ,Cheshire league , and 3rd division.Always good facilities and made welcome, BUT you were made aware that you were away from home by a “Partizan” crowd certainly hasnt done them any harm . 10 yrs in the league. I see one or two on the site what Im getting at ,its not critisism its an observation. Onwards and upwards result notin doubt in my mind Tuesday night.